Talks & Workshops


  • Lessons Learned from 1,000 Data Science Projects (JSM - Portland, OR) [slides]
  • Teaching Creative and Practical Data Science at Scale (IMSI: Teaching and Evaluating Data Communication At Scale - Chicago, IL) [slides]


  • DS Discovery Bootcamp (Data Science Discovery Bootcamp - San Diego, CA) [slides]
  • Life Lessons That Have Nothing to Do with Data or Science (DS3 - San Diego, CA) [slides]


  • Structuring & Managing Group Projects in Large-Enrollment Undergraduate Data Science Course (Toronto Reproducibility Workshop - Toronto, Canada) [slides][talk]


  • Capstone and Project-Based Data Science Courses at UC San Diego (National Workshop on Data Science Education - Berkeley, CA) [slides]
  • Prof Ellis’ path to data science (education) (CSSG - San Diego, CA) [slides]
  • Crafting a Data Science Curriculum (ACM AI - San Diego, CA) [slides]


  • The {Art} of Effective Data Viz (Data Science Alliance Data Skills - San Diego, CA) [slides][padlet][talk]
  • Perspectives of a Data Scientist (Data Science Student Society - San Diego, CA)[podcast]
  • Data Science Presentations (DS3 - San Diego, CA) [slides]
  • Improving the value of public data with recount2 and phenotype prediction (CSSA - San Diego, CA) [slides]
  • RStudio Cloud in the Classroom (ASA K-12 Virtual Workshop) [slides] [materials]


  • Overcoming the barriers of entry into data science for non-traditional learners with cloud computing (JSM - Denver, CO) [slides]
  • Teaching Data Science: A Workshop for High School Teachers (SDSS - Bellevue, WA) [slides] [materials]
  • Making a Case for Why Programming Will Save You Time (MSACL - Palm Springs, CA) [slides] [materials]


  • Designing MOOCs to Democratize Data Science Education (Design@Large - San Deigo, CA) [slides] [talk]
  • Improving the value of public data with recount2 and phenotype prediction (JSM - Vancouver, BC) [slides]
  • Improving the value of public data with recount2 and phenotype prediction (UW Dept. of Biostats - Seattle, WA) [slides]


  • Improving the value of public data with recount2 and phenotype prediction (Genomics and Bioinformatics Symposium - Baltimore, MD) [slides]
  • In silico phenotyping to improve the usefulness of public data (Graybill Converence - Ft. Collins, CO) [slides]
  • In silico phenotyping to improve the usefulness of public data (BIRS - Banff, Alberta) [pdf]
  • Increasing the value of public data with in-silico phenotyping (Statistical and Algorithmic Challenges in Microbiome Data Analysis - Boston, MA) [slides]